I’m just having a terrible case of writer’s blocks but I need to talk to you again. Even though twitter is a wonderful platform it doesn’t give off the “let’s sit down and chat” vibe like reading a blog.
So what have I been up to? Again, on twitter you can see that the road has been my second home. Champaign, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, and Miami’s gentlemen has welcomed me well as I dip my toe into touring. You make me feel like I’m back home in Chicago. I didn’t realize how much time and energy an escort takes to plan a tour( and I’m not even including the traveling aspect). However, it wouldn’t be fun and rewarding if it could be easily done. I mean, that’s why so many companions continue to do it so give it up to the touring escort in your city. As for Wisconsin, I hope to see you soon! Wow, despite the 40 degrees and snow outside it really feels like I’m outside in a sun dress drinking a mimosa with you all. Most of my blog follows a topic but as mention before I just wanted a reason to get back in touch with you. After a night of D&Ding pray that the creative juices gets flowing! It’s the last day of Passover past us and I’m very pleased at my first attempt at Matzo balls. It just soaks up the juice and spices from the Southern style chicken noodle soup.
What else on my mind: Not much! I'm stump but my interest in Japanese food has surge again.
Drink of the week: Ketucky Mint Julep
Tried my first one this weekend viewing the derby with friends. My horse didn't win but so didn't the favourite.
Word of the day: abdicate
(of a monarch) renounce one's throne
Have a great week
Kavita Flowers